Prevention & support for sexual health

Prevent Program

Prevent Program

The prevention program for the deaf and hard of hearing is one of the two primary missions of the Réseau de la santé sexuelle des sourds du Québec. This program aims to inform and educate the deaf and hard of hearing community in Quebec about the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS and STBBI.

This program offers the following services:
-HIV/AIDS and STBBI information adapted in LSQ
-Awareness and education workshops in schools, organizations and associations
-Referrals to HIV/AIDS and STBBI testing clinics
-Prevention and Sexual Health Information for Deaf Men Having Emotional and Sexual Relationships with Other Men (HSARASAH)
-Focus groups
-HIV/AIDS and STBBI Information Kiosks
-Production and distribution of educational materials (manuals, leaflets, posters, videos, etc.) adapted to LSQ
-HIV/AIDS and STBBI Resource Centre
-Training of Sign Language Interpreters
-Distribution of free condoms

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